Monday, October 19, 2009

A Short Time Left

Well, I only have just over a month before I will be heading back to America for a couple of months. This entire year I've not missed home very much, if at all. Maybe I'm just weird for not being homesick...who knows. Many teachers I know count down the days, some start the countdown after the first week they arrive, others later on. For me, I started it just this past week, and the shortness of my time left has me really excited. Not only am I excited about seeing friends and family, some of which I'll be seeing for the first time in 10+ years, but also, for the prospects that the new year and new job bring with them. I'll touch more on those prospects later.

Even with all this excitement, I am a little sad about leaving my friends and the orphans that I've had a chance to work with. I'm really going to miss them during those two months. Lord willing things will workout for me to see them when I get back in February.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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