Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Something amusing …at least to me

Well, I've been away from blogging for a while, partly due to a month where I was walking home asleep and partly due to my own laziness. Since this is my first post in well over two months, I thought I'd share something my students did in class the other day that I thought quite humorous. I just hope my words are adequate enough for you to see what I saw. Here goes:


We had just finished all the phonics pages in the student book, workbook, and Extension Course book and we still had plenty of time left in class. So, I decided we'd go to the Sponge room (a room where you can be messy, and in this case write on the wall with board markers) to work on spelling phonetically. This is a relatively new class for me (I've been teaching them for a week at this point) and I'm still getting the feel for them and how they behave, so naturally I was nervous about taking them out of the classroom. As we arrived to the Sponge room all the kids rushed to sit down without me saying a word! I thought, "Great! They are eager to hear my instructions. These guys are wonderful!" Then, I looked closer. They weren't interested in hearing MY instructions. NO, they were waiting for enlightenment from Buddha, as they sat in the various stages of enlightenment positions that I'd seen in my Living World Religions class! At this point I thought, "Oh boy, here it comes…the craziness that I'd been warned about!" The next thing I knew, the newest member of the class (he'd only been there a week) got up and corrected everybody's position! At this point I was about to die laughing at the randomness of it all, and wished I had a camera to record it…After I got a hold of myself, I gently reminded them that we came to this room for another purpose and handed each of them a board marker to start writing the words I dictated to them. I was much relieved that things didn't get out of hand, and I have to say… those guys made my day with that!


1 comment:

S said...

You know, I really like the idea of that room: it's a pretty good learning tool (I had teachers using similar concepts all the way through high school), and it's not a very expensive one. Your kids are so cute, too!