Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!

I hope this finds you having had a very Merry Christmas and that your New Years is one filled with joy. This past week has been really exciting with events surrounding Christmas and preparing for an upcoming special holiday classes. After getting back from a weekend of training, which I learned a lot at, my directors asked me if I had any plans for Christmas Eve and if I’d like to join them at their house for dinner with them and their extended family. Naturally I wasn’t going to refuse an offer like that and so I went. That was one decision I’m glad I made.
Words really cannot describe the experience and emotions that I was blessed to go through. Naturally I was nervous about making a good impression and wondering if I would cause offence by breaching some obscure Korean custom, but my nervousness was for naught. Between all three families that were there it was quite the party. We had a 5 course meal and plenty of discussion. The children of my directors speak more English than their parents and so did a lot of interpreting and had many questions of their own. On top of it all we celebrated their youngest son’s birthday. The whole experience was quite overwhelming, yet I felt as if I was part of their family. Please pray that God opens up more opportunities to share His son’s love with them and that they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
After a wonderful evening at my directors’ house I returned to my home…well almost directly. I was walking to my house when I ran into an American on the street and was invited to a Christmas party that was going on just down the road. I saw this as an answer to my friend shortage and joined the party. God truly is amazing in answering prayer and I think He might be showing me a bit more of what he has planned for me. Please pray that I stay open to His will.
Concerning the upcoming holiday classes, things are kind of crazy. Things are being put together kind of at the last minute it feels like. I’m in charge of the Sponge Action, which is a hands on approach to learning specific verbs. I’m really excited about this because I think it will help break the ice with kids that I’m teaching and I’ll be a “fun teacher” in their eyes. Please keep our preparation in your prayers cause we are being given very little time to prepare for this event, on top of preparing for regular classes.
Well, I’m going to head out now. I’m planning on visiting some friends in Seoul for New Years.

1 comment:

Rob said...

We're loving the updates BBS. Thanks for them. Praying for you specifically that meaningful relationships will be yours in the year ahead. Love you much and miss you much as well.

The Brownes