Sunday, September 13, 2009

God is awesome!

Okay! So, for a while I've been praying about getting a job that will allow me to travel to Russia during the summer to work in camp. There are one of two real options to do this: work at a public school or a university. The public school position would be nice, yet the hours are just about the same as they are now, which would leave me with just about the same situation I'm in right now. The university position would be less hours, which would be better. So, I've been praying for a university position. God truly is awesome and should be praised, for he has answered my prayer!

Last week a member of my small group made the announcement that her cousin was looking for a university teacher for the spring semester. I told her I was interested and she set-up the interview for today. I was nervous, since I didn't know what to expect. However, God calmed my nerves and the interview went really well! So well, in fact, that I was offered the job on the spot!!! Isn't God amazing! I'm taking the next week to pray more about it, just to get a final word from the Father about it before I give my answer. I've learned from mistakes in the past that it is better to continue to pray about it, than to jump in without confirming with God. So, please join with me in praising God for His wonderful mercy and love, and for a firm confirmation that this is where I need to go next.

Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." So true!

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